( sorry i'm too stupid for neocities ... )

>> descend <<

E:\ .



[ 25 | she/they ? | autistic | plural ]

<ailments ( 2 ) .txt>

[ tokusatsu | rhythm games
old tech | sonic | tcgs | flcl ]


[ tumblr | steam | mal ]

> E:\parallax\about





hello, please call me「saturn」.
alternatively , you can call us「parallax」.
nice to meet you !!

pretty sure i'm the blandest sorta-cool trans woman you'll meet .i'm most active on tumblr , where i kinda just reblog whatever i want . refer to that → → for the most common stuff .i don't really like giving out my discord unless we're cool , but if you wanna talk about → → we can talk about → → any time !
... if you think you can handle my awkward and off-putting mannerisms . lol
( so it's said ) i stay away from / block people that make me uncomfortable or annoyed . eg: fandom/shipping , mcyt , overtly horny , right-wing/terf spaces🤮
i really don't wanna see all that !!


-- Sonic the Hedgehog ( IDW )


🔄 Bakuage Sentai Boonboomger
🔄 Kamen Rider Gotchard
🔄 Dungeon Meshi
▶️ Dragon Ball Z


volume check !!


i have wayyy too many interests to count and they fluctuate just about randomly , but i usually gravitate around the same ...few .

behold the woes of generation fucked .- 70s-00s tech/aesthetics
- puzzle games
- rhythm games
- ROBOTS . robots .
- sonic the hedgehog
- tokusatsu
- trains !!! ( Eiden's Deo-800 line <3 )
- 70s-00s anime ( lol )
- antonball / blast
- bomberman
- dragon ball / z
- drakengard
- epcot / disney ( big asterisk )
- final fantasy ( IV, XI, XIII, XIV )
- gundam / gunpla
- kingdom hearts
- megaman
- monster hunter ( pre-world )
- pacman
- phantasy star / online
- pizza tower
- pokemon
- shin megami tensei
- source engine
- super monkey ball
- system shock
- touhou
- trading card games ( magic, yu-gi-oh )
- tron

> ↑ go up